More than 3,000 police officers were wounded in the line of duty last year. 去年有3,000多名警察因公受伤。
From Algeria to Afghanistan, from Somalia to South Sudan, many have been killed or kidnapped in the line of duty. 从阿尔及利亚到阿富汗,从索马里到南苏丹,许多人在执行任务时被杀害或被劫持。
The free of charge, overnight camp is designed to let the girls experience what firefighters do in the line of duty to protect the community. 这个免费的宿夜夏令营是为了让女孩们体验消防员如何尽职地保护社区。
In this brief outline of the promise and performance of my immediate predecessor the line of duty for his successor is clearly delineated. 在此简短的关于我的前任的允诺和功绩的略述中清楚归纳出他的接班人的职责范围。
I remember the day his partner, his best friend, was gone down in the line of duty. 我记得他的搭档,他最好的朋友在执行任务的时候被打死。
The police officer was killed in the line of duty. 这位警察在值勤时被杀害。
You need to stay in good shape while in the line of duty. 你在值勤时一定要保持良好的状态。
Just about every time a police officer dies in the line of duty, there's a hue and cry for some kind of preventive action. Usually, nothing of consequence is done. 几乎每次警察殉职,都有一阵大声疾呼采取防范措施。通常不过敷衍了事。
Mike Jerome Griffin was killed in the line of duty. 麦克葛芬在执行勤务时。
Taking Confusions seriously, and attempting to put into his own conduct the qualities of the Princely Man, Tseng was never willing through danger of loss of "face" to swerve from the line of duty. 作为儒家学说的认真实践者,曾国藩试图使自己的行为符合满清权贵的要求,他绝不会因为怕丢了面子而使自己偏离为国尽忠的轨迹。
I have not seen you, except in line of duty, for quite a while. 除了值班的时刻,我已经好一阵子没见你了。
The last time a police officer fired a gun in the line of duty, a year ago, it was to bring down an unusually aggressive wild turkey. 上一次警官在执勤时开枪还是在一年前,那是为了捕捉一只异常放肆的野生火鸡。
He was killed in the line of duty last year. 他去年在执行公务时殉职。
Big time, like a wavelet than his previous high of the Line of Duty. 上大一时,小波喜欢上了一个比他高一届的师姐。
The violence that he encounters in the line of duty. 他在执行任务中所经常遇到的暴力行动。
Is the media coverage of the heroic death of a firefighter or police officer in the line of duty ever going to diminish that person's reputation? 媒体对消防队员或警官因公而死的英雄壮举进行报道,难道也会毁损该人的名声吗?
The deaths in the line of duty and the capture of one terror suspect alive have been a cause for pride and sadness. 在这场袭击事件中,诸多警察因公殉职和捕获一名恐怖袭击嫌犯令他们在感到荣耀之余又陷入了悲痛。
A policeman met his death in the line of duty. 一名警察因公殉职。
He died in the line of duty. 他是在值勤时死的。
A policeman was wounded in the line of duty. 一位警察在执行任务时受伤。
Jeong woo got killed in the line of duty. 正佑执行任务的时候被杀害了。
The soldier had to clean his rifle in the line of duty. 战士在执行任务时必须擦亮步枪。
"Not here too!" he thought, for in the line of duty Robusto has seen many corpses. 尸体也不在这儿,他想道。在他的职业生涯中,罗布斯托见过许多尸体。
Mary was seriously wounded in the line of duty. 玛丽因公负了重伤。
The mayor is calling for the death penalty for anyone who kills police officers in the line of duty. 市长呼吁对那些杀害正在执行公务的警官的人处以死刑。
ICE issued statements saying the two were shot "in the line of duty" Tuesday afternoon while driving between Mexico City and the northern industrial city of Monterrey. 移民及海关执法局发表声明,说这两个人星期二下午在“执行任务”时遭到枪击,当时他们驾车行驶在墨西哥城和北部工业城市蒙特雷之间的路上。
Whether our lovable party did die in line of duty this professor locates the martyr? 我们可爱的党是否把这位因公殉职的教授定位烈士呢?
At first, we retrospected the lawmaking evolvement of defalcation main body, analyzed civil servants essential character: one is he or she has legal degree, another is his ( or her) job quality engages in line of duty. 首先回顾了挪用公款罪主体的立法演变,分析了国家工作人员的本质特征,即国家工作人员必须具备两个条件:一是具有法定的身份,二是工作性质是从事公务。
The cost of the line of duty and the cost of the friction bring on the more function cost. 公务成本及摩擦性成本共同导致了政府运行成本不断升高。
It does great harm to the chastity and inviolability of the line of duty. 它对国家公务活动的纯洁性与不可亵渎性有着巨大的危害。